Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sad Day for Music

Where were you when you heard that Michael Jackson died?
I was at work. I was on Perezhilton and they said he was rushed to the hospital. I thought oh that would suck if he died. A little later I was about to update my twitter when I read from one of my friends that he died...I was shocked and didn't believe it so I went to a few websites to confirm, but there it was MICHAEL JACKSON HAS DIED.
I thought it was a rumor...and I didn't want to believe it. It feels like some of my childhood is lost.
Is this what it felt like when Elvis died?
It seems so surreal, because he was an icon. I remember growing up when MTV was cool and they would play his videos.
His music was incredible and some of my favorites when it was karaoke time.
Anyways, I'll always remember him.
RIP Michael!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


is it too late?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I wish I could have made you laugh...or at least smile

but in the end there was just silence and I knew I had lost you.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Stand Up For Yourself Poindexter!

I don't want that...I never did.
I want more...more than you can ever show me.
I want my freedom, not being here in this place alone with you.
I want the sun, I want the ocean, I want air, I want light, I want new!
I don't want you...
You think you can control me.
You think I'll always take you back.
You think your touch makes me weak.
You think I want to hear the love sonnets you speak.
You think you're the best thing that's ever happened to me?
I'm in control now and I'm through with being hurt...
I know what I want and I don't want you.

Monday, June 1, 2009

You're that little and you burp that loud!?

My best friend asked today.."is it hard for you to date?"
OK OK...does it really seem that lame that I'm 24 and no boyfriend, and not even dating anyone, that even my bff has to say something???
Not to me...But if I were a guy would I date me?


i talk too much
i can be clingy sometimes
i always want attention...even when i dont act like it
i like to get my way
i always want to cuddle
i take up most of the bed and i'll steal the blankets
if something is bothering me, i'll constantly let you know until it stops
i'm nosey
i complain
i get grumpy when i'm sleepy or hungry
i hate cats and little dogs
i burp super loud
i have too many guy friends lol
i am a natural flirt
i would sing your ears off
i say i want to do one thing, then change my mind and do something totally different and you would have to do it to.

haha, but I do make a damn good chocolate cake.